Yiming Huang 黄奕铭

My name is Yiming Huang (黄奕铭 in Chinese). I am an M.Phil. student at Data Science and Analytics Thrust of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Guang Zhou, under the supervision of Prof. Xinlei He. Before that, I received my B.Eng. degree in Software Engineering at School of Computer of Beijing University of Technology, under the supervision of Prof. Xiaodan Zhang.

My research interest focuses on Trustworthy AI. The long-term research goal of my study is to analyze and control the most advanced AI algorithms, models, and systems. To be specific, I am exploring the interpretability, robustness, granularity, and generalizability of AI, to cope with the explainability (XAI), safety, privacy, fairness, more refined controllability and human-interactivity problems in AI applications.

I have wonderful collaborations with Ziyu Zhou@HKUST(GZ) CityMind Lab, Zihao Wang@HKUST EMIA. I am also looking forward to more interdisciplinary collaboration in the future.

🚩Top Message: T.B.D.
✔️News 2024.8.16: A paper I participated in has been submitted to AAAI '25.
🤩News 2024.5.27: I received offical offer of Red Bird Master of Philosophy Program at HKUST(GZ) and I make my final decision to accept it. See you guys in Guang Zhou!
🎉News 2024.4.17: Congratulations to Ziyu - His SDformer is accepted by IJCAI '24!. It's really a interesting work!

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Selected Publications

(In chronological order, [.] is the topic, my newest publication is updating at my Google Scholar and OpenReview)
Generic Attention-model Explainability by Weighted Relevance Accumulation
Yiming Huang, Aozhe Jia, Xiaodan Zhang, Jiawei Zhang
MMAsia '23 (reprentative work of my undergrad research)
paper / pdf / sildes / video / code

[XAI, Attention] This work explores the explainability of multimodal attention by layer-wise relevancy accumulation with attention map, especially stressing the importance of relevancy in residual connection for better explainability.

TimesNet-PM2.5: Interpretable TimesNet for Disentangling Intraperiod and Interperiod Variations in PM2.5 Prediction
Yiming Huang*, Ziyu Zhou*, Zihao Wang*, Xiaoying Zhi, Xiliang Liu (*equal contribution)

[XAI, Time-Series] In this paper, we accomplish task-specific adaption of TimesNet (ICLR '23) named TimesNet-PM2.5. This specialized version improved the performance and interpretability of the PM2.5 prediction of Haikou, Hainan Province.


I love biking, although all of my bikes are broken now.

My favorite animation: Rebuild of EVANGELION series.

I love miHoYo games.

My favorite TV series: House of the Dragon.

My favorite poem: Sailing to Byzantium.

My favorite book:《文学的邀约》.

My favorite retaurants: 宜宾招待所,东发道.

I have lived in Beijing for more than 10 years and my hometown is Jilin, China.

My motto: 缘自尘心起,逆旅天地间。

As its name goes, my WeChat Friend Cycle is only open to true friends. But don't worry, maybe you will see it in the future after a long time of acquaintance. In addition, I don't open it to teachers and elders, because some contents may not be serious.




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